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This site is co-financed by the
European Regional
Development Fund

Activity 1. - Implementation of active conservation measures in the protected areas 
The selected active conservation measures from the Management Plans are the most current and important in order to maintain the favorable conservation status of the protected area. Each sub-activity has identified results and achievement indicators.

Activity 2. - Monitoring of species and habitats
Sums up the monitoring of all the species and habitats of community interest from the standard sheet of the protected areas. The sub-activities will result in monitoring reports, respectively performance indicators.

Activity 3. - Realization of some elements of the visiting infrastructure
It is composed of 2 sub-activities, which focus on the development of the protected areas. These sub-activities will directly result in the arrangement of tourist routes.

Activity 4. - Information and awareness activities for target groups
It is composed of sub-activities, through which ecological education programs will be elaborated and organized in the schools and kindergartens from the localities neighboring the natural protected areas, information activities will be held for stakeholders and the general public, a documentary film will be made about the site, and there will be presentations of the protected area and the project. The activities will have well-defined results, as well as performance indicators.

Activity 5. - Capacity building activities for the management team of the protected areas
It is made up of of several sub-activities, which will help to strengthen the custodian’s capacity, in order to ensure optimal management for the protected area. Thus, the members of the custody team will obtain field equipment and IT for the office.

Activity 6. - Project Management Activities
It consists of project management and auditing and will result in a successfully implemented project.