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European Regional
Development Fund

The Snail’s hill is an 8 ha geological reservation.
This is an area (former mining) in the perimeter of which are two geological formations and important mineral deposits of aragonite, calcite, coralite and travertine deposits. It is considered the largest occurrence of aragonite in Romania, having the status of national protection since 1980.

The study of aragonite in the area dates back to the 18th, 19th centuries. János Bányai (1938) claims that these carbonate deposits were formed by precipitation processes from salty, carbonated solutions with low temperature. The characteristic of these deposits consists in the fact that they precipitate from salty, bicarbonate solutions.

Hydrology: There is a high density of springs, some carbonated, carbonated mineral fins, others salty or complex. Their waters are gathered by 2 short streams, which reach the Corund stream. The hydrological regime is characterized by maximum flows in early spring and minimum in winter.

Climate: The summers are warmer and the winters longer and colder, the snow is maintained on the ground in general 70 - 80 days / year. The average temperatures of the months are: December: -1.3 ° C; January: -3.7 ° C; February: -2.3 ° C; April: 8.6 ° C; May: 12.7 ° C; July 19.5 ° C; September: 13.1 ° C; October: 8.2 ° C. In spring and autumn, thermal inversions are frequent, due to the stagnation of cold air on the bottom of the depression, producing fog and the appearance of early autumn. Multiannual average temperatures range from 6 ° C - to 8 ° C.
The multiannual average amount of precipitation is 700-800 mm.