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This site is co-financed by the
European Regional
Development Fund

  • 2938 m long protective fence in the Snail’s Hill and Fântâna Brazilor bog protected areas
  • 4 water springs cleaned and maintained in the three protected areas
  • 1 study on the tendency of invasive species in the protected areas
  • 6 habitats of amphibian species cleaned in the protected areas of the Praid Salt Mountain and Fântâna Brazilor bog
  • 3 monitoring protocols developed
  • 17 information panels and indicators, 15 direction indicators in the protected areas
    arrangement and consolidation of some pedestrian routes in the protected area of the Praid Salt Mountain and in the Fântâna Brazilor bog
  • rearrangement of the wooden bridge in the Fântâna Brazilor bog
  • 15 benches mounted and 3 parking lots for bicycles arranged at the entrance areas in the three protected areas
  • 26 presentations in schools in Praid and Corund
  • 6 ecological education activities on the thematic routes of the protected areas
  • 1 nature film about the protected areas
  • 2 forums organized to consult locals
  • 1 web page
  • 4 press releases
  • 2 press conferences
  • 1000 leaflets
  • 1 set of equipment for the protected area administrator