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The name Salt land (Sóvidék) is first used by Balázs Orbán in the description of Szeklerland. The Sóvidék basin includes the municipalities of Sovata, Praid and Corund, with their villages, as well as Sóvárad, Siklód and Szolokma, with an area of ​​about 450 square kilometers.

The region offers excellent holiday and healing opportunities to the visitor, with many natural treasures: Salt mountain, Snail Hill, Fantana Brazilor peat bog, Sovata lakes, wellness center, Praid salt mine.


Transylvanian salt was formed about 20 to 22 million years ago when the shallow inland sea closed off from Tethys in Central Europe and dried up. Sediments from subsequent geological ages deposited on these formed layers, and under their pressure, salt was forced toward the edges of the basin. The salt layers pushed upwards, always in the direction of the least resistance, forming diagonal folds, appearing on the surface as a salt tip.

The dissolution processes that took place created salt karst phenomena, and the subsurface dissolution processes were caused by surface depressions, so-called the appearance of dissolution dolins followed. Salt water and a slightly salty air microclimate mitt Salt region has become a popular medical destination.
Due to the volcanic aftermath, there is also healing water in the Salt Region, see waters in Corund.

Marked hiking trails help the hiker to explore the Sóvidék area. It is worthwhile to look at the settlements blessed with healing minerals and water from above, so it is recommended to spend time and energy on a hike to the Bekecs roof (1080 m), the Siklód stone (1028 m), but you can even climb the highest slopes of the Görgényi mountains. , also to the Nagymező Mountains (1777 m).

Climate, an important geofactor, is influenced by geographical location, relief (by slope orientation, altitude) the presence or absence of vegetation, the last two will determine variations of climatic elements.

Regarding the thermal regime, the temperatures are constantly lower than in the rest of the Transylvanian basin, caused by the microclimate of the intramontane depressions in its eastern part. Specific are the warmer summers and longer and colder winters, the snow is generally maintained on the ground 70-80 days / year. In spring and autumn, thermal inversions are frequent, due to the stagnation of cold air on the bottom of the depression, producing fog and the appearance of early autumn frosts or late spring frosts.

The average multiannual temperatures vary from 6 ° C in the eastern part (mountainous) to 8 ° C in the western part of the commune territory. Following the average monthly temperature, it is found that the coldest month is January, with values ​​between -4 ° C and -8 ° C and the warmest July, with values ​​above 18 ° C.