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This site is co-financed by the
European Regional
Development Fund

A project team was set up in order to implement the project with the following members:

  • Project manager
  • Project assistant
  • Financial Responsible
  • Purchasing Manager
  • Technical Responsible

Role of the Project assistant: prepares and sends to the financier the weekly project monitoring sheets, the Initial Report, the Beneficiary Progress Reports, the Final Project Report, updates the Repayment Schedule, Gantt Chart, Procurement Schedule, Project Budget and prepares Notifications for changes to the Funding Application

Role of the Financial Responsible: accounting and financial management of the project, making payments to contractors, drawing up accounting and financial reports;

Role of the Purchasing manager: achieving purchase plan, necessary purchasing forecast, coordinating procurement process of project-related contracts, acquisition centralization, contract monitoring, document archiving, progress reports;

Role of the Technical Responsible: management of issues related to supervision and contract monitoring, collaboration with contractors’ representatives;
was set up in order to implement the project with the following members: